Janitorial Factoring : Kenner, LA
Do you Imagine?
Imagine being like other janitorial or maintenance company in Kenner or perhaps like other companies in State of Louisiana. Do you imagine always having the working capital needed to meet payroll – and on time. Do you imagine always being able to write new business – and never turn it away?
The Reality
You can turn these imaginations into realty with Janitorial Factoring. It's the simple solution, and Invoice Advance makes it extra simple. You do the work, you invoice your customer, and then instead of waiting 30 or more days to get paid...get paid today. Call us today and learn how we can help your Louisiana business with it's working capital needs.
The Factoring Cycle:
You sell a product, and or a service to your client.
Step 2:
You invoice your client, and submit a copy of the invoice(s) to Factor.
Step 3:
Factor then verifies the authenticity of the invoice(s) submitted.
Step 4:
Once verified, Factor will fund 70 – 90% of invoice(s) face value.
Step 5:
Factor will now wait on payment of invoice(s) from your client.
Step 6:
Once paid, the Factor pays you the remaining 10-30% (less service fees).
Step 7:
That's all she wrote; repeat "The Factoring Cycle" as often as needed.