Janitorial Factoring : Rio Rancho, NM
The Savvy and Smart in Rio Rancho
The savvy real estate investor, the smart stock investor, and the smart New Mexico business investor know one simple rule: Leverage. For instance in real estate, the goal is not to pay off your property. A property in Rio Rancho worth $100,000 only grows on its own. But, if you take $50,000 out of that property and buy two others, you now have three properties working for you.
The same thing is true for Factoring. You have an asset within your accounts receivable. It has a real tangible value, that others are willing to lend you money against. Imagine having your accounts receivable working for you - and not just sitting there for 30, 45 days or more. Call us and let's get your Rio Rancho business signed up today.
The Factoring Cycle:
You sell a product, and or a service to your client.
Step 2:
You invoice your client, and submit a copy of the invoice(s) to Factor.
Step 3:
Factor then verifies the authenticity of the invoice(s) submitted.
Step 4:
Once verified, Factor will fund 70 – 90% of invoice(s) face value.
Step 5:
Factor will now wait on payment of invoice(s) from your client.
Step 6:
Once paid, the Factor pays you the remaining 10-30% (less service fees).
Step 7:
That's all she wrote; repeat "The Factoring Cycle" as often as needed.