See Also —
How Factoring Works

Janitorial Factoring : Saint Joseph, MO

Business is tough enough

Business is tough enough in Saint Joseph. Why make it tougher when you have the resource of your accounts receivable at hand. Many business owners in Missouri think that there A/R (accounts receivable) is something they must wait on. Many do wait 30 days, 45 days, and even 60 days or more. — They think it's just how business works.

Smart operators have learned they can have 80% or more of their A/R in hand the day after they invoice instead of a month or two later. And what they've discovered is: it's the simple path to growth. Unfettered, rapid and profitable growth. Learn how Janitorial Factoring can help your Missouri business grow too, by calling us today.

How Factoring Works:
The Factoring Cycle:

You sell a product, and or a service to your client.

That's all she wrote; repeat "The Factoring Cycle" as often as needed.

You invoice your client, and submit a copy of the invoice(s) to Factor.

Once paid, the Factor pays you the remaining 10-30% (less service fees).

Factor then verifies the authenticity of the invoice(s) submitted.

Factor will now wait on payment of invoice(s) from your client.

Once verified, Factor will fund 70 – 90% of invoice(s) face value.

The Factoring Cycle:

You sell a product, and or a service to your client.

Step 2:

You invoice your client, and submit a copy of the invoice(s) to Factor.

Step 3:

Factor then verifies the authenticity of the invoice(s) submitted.

Step 4:

Once verified, Factor will fund 70 – 90% of invoice(s) face value.

Step 5:

Factor will now wait on payment of invoice(s) from your client.

Step 6:

Once paid, the Factor pays you the remaining 10-30% (less service fees).

Step 7:

That's all she wrote; repeat "The Factoring Cycle" as often as needed.

Invoice Factoring Calculator