Medical Factoring : Lehi, UT
What if you could convert your Lehi Company's claims to cash — instantly? Imagine having all that tied-up capital in the bank, ready to...
- Meet payroll and salaries
- Cover rent
- Pay taxes
- Hire additional staff
- Pay suppliers
- Buy equipment
- Grow your business
The easy solution is Medical Factoring, which is the sale of your company's invoices to a 3rd party (factor). With factoring you can unlock instant working capital which is tied up (60, 90, even 120+ days) in your invoices and in turn solve your cash flow problems. Call us today and see how Medical Factoring can go to work for your Utah Company.
The Factoring Cycle:
You sell a product, and or a service to your client.
Step 2:
You invoice your client, and submit a copy of the invoice(s) to Factor.
Step 3:
Factor then verifies the authenticity of the invoice(s) submitted.
Step 4:
Once verified, Factor will fund 70 – 90% of invoice(s) face value.
Step 5:
Factor will now wait on payment of invoice(s) from your client.
Step 6:
Once paid, the Factor pays you the remaining 10-30% (less service fees).
Step 7:
That's all she wrote; repeat "The Factoring Cycle" as often as needed.